Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ryan's fever - Day 4

Ryan's fever went up to 39.9 at 5.20am. Immediately, I started to sponge him and quickly he was given the bullet. Dr Chan came at 8am and advise we put him on drip with antibotics at the same time do another blood test to be safe and see if there has been any changes. Here is Ryan feeling better and more energetic later in the AM since his milk intake has increased compared to the last few days when he was just drinking 60~90ml per feed.

Mummy brought his favorite DVDs today and he is watch his favorite show 'Word World'.

Almost time for baby's drip....poor baby Poor Baby cried so hard and we were kept out of the door as the Dr and nurses do the procedures for him. The fever still hoovers around 38+++ with the drip and at night the fever goes down to below 38. Hopefully, that is a good sign.

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