Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Holding his own bottle

Siti asked Ryan to hold his own milk bottle last night and surprising, he did and finish the milk all by himself. And tonight, he hold his own bottle too! Good job Ryan! You are growing up to be a big boy now...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ryan and his love

Ryan's Love:
#1 His blankie - even though it is getting really old now.
#2 IPAD!! He just can't seems to go without it....when he eats he needs the ipad to watch his Barney's show. He will choose the games or video he wish to play or watch. He enjoys watching ABC phonics clips and knows how to do simple word puzzle such as FISH, LION, CAT, BIRD, TRAIN, BLUE, KEY, DUCK all by himself. We didn't guide him, he seems to figure it all by himself. Clever boy!
#3 Loves wearing Geraldine's pink ballet shoes that is way too big for him.
#4 Loves going out and walking around.
#5 Loves it when the postman comes by Pa's place, he will call out 'ter ter' for letters.
#6 Loves pressing the open/close button for the DVD player
#7 His Care Bears soft toy
#8 Ice-cream, raisins, happy baby cheddar, Annie's homegrown cheddar biscuits. He still don't likes his fruit.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hair cut

 Bought Ryan to Jason & Sally for hair cut today, we wait until he falls asleep before bringing him for his cut and he slept throughout the whole session. So it was pretty easy task. Sign up a pakage for the kids since the hairstylist pretty good. Here he is our new recruit!

He loves flipping through Geraldine's Pooh encyclopedia book. He is especailly happy when he found pictures of Cats, Rabbits, pigs and fish.

Ryan and Caleb

Bump into Serene at Nex today, both boys are really shy with strangers and even with each other too! It is so hard to get them to look at the camera and smile...both look so tired haha...

Friday, April 20, 2012

Got this set from Aileen - Tree of Joy for Geraldine and Ryan. This kitchen set is of good quality and so so pretty that Mummy can't resist playing with it too the night we got it!!

Both of them have been playing it every night since we got it.... Yan En has been coming over to our place every Friday to play. Here are the 3 kids playing with the kitchen set busy cooking up a storm!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ryan going on 16th month

Handsome happy boy..his progress so far:
1) He calls Ma 'Nia Nai' while we were at our Sentosa hotel stay. Makes Ma so happy. So far he calls mum mum (food), Tata (KaKa), Star, ball, bye and fish.
2) He loves to wave bye bye and also gives out flying kisses willing. Though he does not like us kissing him on his face nor does he likes to kiss us.
3) He began walking 3 weeks ago when Mummy brought him a new pair of shoes. And so far he loves walking around, up and down the stair though still not quite stable.
4) His favorite song - 'If you Happy', when it comes to clap his hands - Ryan will clap, stomp his feet and he will start stomping. For 'Twinkle twinkle little stars' - he will close and open his fingers...
5) He loves going to our room, closed the door real hard (he seems very satisfied when the door closed with a bang), playing and rolling on the bed with Mummy, Daddy and Geraldine.
6) He still prefers sleeping in his pram even though Siti tries to make him sleep in bed.
7) He is more responsive now, showing more reaction, more active, getting more noisy and up to mischief.
8) He loves going to the tibits drawer in the kitchen and look for his favorite biscuits... he still prefers snacks that are more bland in taste. Funny thing is when Daddy took out Cheezels, Ryan quickly ran over and look up with his mouth open really to be fed though we never let him taste cheezels before.
9) All his teeth are out.
10) He loves Geraldine the most always loves playing with his big sister and gets really excited whenever Geraldine comes home from school.

Going home


Took some pics before we headed home. The kids really had fun and Geraldine says she wants to come back again!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Universal Studio Singapore

Ryan still not very stable walking. Waiting for the ride to Imbiah station for morning walk before Universal Studio opens at 10am.

Our first ride - Madagascar boat ride... Ryan can't go in....so only Mummy, Geraldine and Kaka went for this ride.

Just in time for the Bogie bogie dance, however, Ryan missed it as he went back for his nap.

Canopy rides....

Geraldine and Mummy went on the Jurrasic Rapid water ride and got slightly wet....back to the hotel for a quick shower and see if Ryan is awake.

Ryan is awake and happily watching cartoon network.

Lunch at Big Easy - not nice!

All set to go have fun!!

Mummy went for The Mummy roller coaster ride alone.

Geraldine loves the Dragon roller coaster ride. Luckily, today is not crowded, so we can go on a few times.
Sixth times!

Seventh times!

Countless times on the merry go round

Ryan finally willing to try on a ride himself.

Treasure Hunter rides that Geraldine enjoys!

The park rides closes at 7pm, Geraldine taking a break at Mel's Drive in. She took 11 times roller coaster rides and more than 10 times merry-go-round! Well at least our tickets are worth it haha!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

RWS Stay - Day 1

Sentosa here we come! Geraldine has been looking forward the whole week, telling me she is very excited everyday.

Grandpa and Grandma with Yan En and Mao Zhi.

The 2 kids loves the soft bed and is getting cosy.

A very happy Ryan :-)

My precious darlings... Geraldine and Yan En having fun in the Hard Rock pool.

Ryan loves the bed the most and the big TV. Here is our little boss enjoying the cartoon network.

The pink club.