Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Ryan going on 16th month

Handsome happy boy..his progress so far:
1) He calls Ma 'Nia Nai' while we were at our Sentosa hotel stay. Makes Ma so happy. So far he calls mum mum (food), Tata (KaKa), Star, ball, bye and fish.
2) He loves to wave bye bye and also gives out flying kisses willing. Though he does not like us kissing him on his face nor does he likes to kiss us.
3) He began walking 3 weeks ago when Mummy brought him a new pair of shoes. And so far he loves walking around, up and down the stair though still not quite stable.
4) His favorite song - 'If you Happy', when it comes to clap his hands - Ryan will clap, stomp his feet and he will start stomping. For 'Twinkle twinkle little stars' - he will close and open his fingers...
5) He loves going to our room, closed the door real hard (he seems very satisfied when the door closed with a bang), playing and rolling on the bed with Mummy, Daddy and Geraldine.
6) He still prefers sleeping in his pram even though Siti tries to make him sleep in bed.
7) He is more responsive now, showing more reaction, more active, getting more noisy and up to mischief.
8) He loves going to the tibits drawer in the kitchen and look for his favorite biscuits... he still prefers snacks that are more bland in taste. Funny thing is when Daddy took out Cheezels, Ryan quickly ran over and look up with his mouth open really to be fed though we never let him taste cheezels before.
9) All his teeth are out.
10) He loves Geraldine the most always loves playing with his big sister and gets really excited whenever Geraldine comes home from school.

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